Rabu, 22 Oktober 2008

3 years with Bhargav

Karena segala kondisi memungkinkan termasuk bisa travelling, per 2006. Setelah lama dalam dunia engineering dan perancangan, aku harus ganti fungsi ke Selling n Marketing dengan area jawa-kalimantan. Untuk ini aku di beri partner principal - kebetulan Indian. namanya Bhargav Jhosi. Sebelumnya dia di Mumbai dan Qatar baru ke Indonesia ini. Simple aja, semuanya saya lihat sisi positifnya untuk personal development n increasing bussiness. 14 okt 08 ini, adalah hari terkahirnya dan dia ditempatkan ke Emerson Australia di Perth.

Di bawah ini testimoniku setelah sekitar 3 tahun bersamanya :

Special Thanks for Manajement PTCS n Manajement EPM with policy, Bhargav from EPM as our partner in PTCS office day to day to working in Flow Business.

For me, Bhargav not only support in Flow Business with success for increasing the value, but also as a friend , as a manager, as a teacher about the business, leadership, personality improvement, detail knowlledge of Flow product, smart quotation, smart negotiation, smart problem solving and smart presentation by practice experiences learning. With his egaliter, we can free to give each other the opinion n share knowledge.

As human , he is very consistent and commitent person with his culture/religion/habits of Vegetarian, No smoking and saving money. We also can learn this to implement our culture/religion role.

I will always remember with his comment " Indonesian is the happiest people in the worlds". Almost everyone in everywhere , from top management - security-operator at site- bla bla, always smille and likely happy. I explained about concept "syukur/ thanks to God" and "sabar/patient " in Indonesian people. Then my comment " And the Indian is the most serious people in the world". Hua..ha..ha...He explained the competition of life in the world...thanks ..thanks ...

With positive thinking , everything will be positive opportunity.

So Bhargav, no enough with THANKS from me for everthing working and learning together with you. We can measure our performance in business by US$ value. But so many knowledge and experiences learning that cannot be measured by value.

As your special message for me, we hope you also will always improve everything for improving your career and your life. Improving will never ending in our life. With my best praying, you and your family will always success and happy.

We still in EPM - Flow Business activities, as a friend I will still consult and share to you if we need your share solution. he..he..

As Pak Albert comment " the big ship is friendship".

Thanks and Regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: Bhargav
To: ptcs_jakarta
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 2:49 PM
Dear Friends & Colleagues,As many of you know, this is my last week with Indonesia operation. From November-08, I start my new job with EPM-Australia operation based in Perth & taking care of Flow Product line,I'm looking forward to tackling that challenge.I joined Indonesia Operation back in October 2005, and have many fond memories of the accomplishments here. Experience has been rewarding in many ways & have accomplished lot together in last three years. I'm really happy to have met & worked with you & appreciated the time we spent together. "YOU HAVE ALL BEEN SUPER GREAT".I want to thank all of you for the opportunity to work together and for teaching me something about business in Indonesia. Things are rolling here in Indonesia for FLOW and I wish you the best for a very bright future!If you need to reach me, my contact information is:bhargav@hotmail.comBest wishes,Bhargav

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